How to Write
Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge: Roles and the Writing Process; a simple way to unleash your creative abilities.
Great Essays
George Orwell
- Politics and the English Language (and here's an essay on why this is so great)
- Shooting an Elephant
Paul Graham
The Orwell Foundation uses the work of George Orwell to celebrate honest writing and reporting.
Newspaper Columns (Short Essays)
Dave Barry has concerns about radioactive insects found at the Hanford Nuclear Complex ♦ The Trojan Twinkie Caper ♦ Miami Herald ♦ April 18, 1999
Mike Royko on the LAPD and Rodney King ♦ Ticket to Good Life Punched with Pain ♦ Chicago Sun Times ♦ March 19, 1991
Mike Royko remembers Jackie Robinson's Chicago Debut: Jackie's Debut a Unique Day ♦ Chicago Sun Times ♦ October 25, 1972 (the day after Jackie Robinson died)
Mike Royko ♦ Picasso and the Cultural Rebirth of Chicago ♦ Chicago Sun Times ♦ August 16, 1967.
Good Writing: Criticism
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Steven F. Freeman