Refereed Academic articles
Freeman, Steven F., Marc Maltz and Larry Hirschhorn (December 2004) “The Power of Moral Purpose: Sandler O'Neill & Partners in the Aftermath of September 11, 2001” Organizational Development Journal
Freeman, Steven F., Marc Maltz and Larry Hirschhorn. 2003. Moral Purpose and Organizational Resilience: Sandler O’Neill & Partners, L.P. in the Aftermath of September 11th. In D. Nagao (Ed.) Academy of Management BEST PAPERS 2003
Freeman, Steven F. (2001) “Cómo manejar la pérdida y el cambio” (How to manage loss and change). Revista INCAE
Freeman, Steven F. 2000. “Tres perspectivas para entender las organizaciones” (Three perspectives to understand organizations). Percepción Gerencial 3(2)
Freeman, Steven F. 1999. “Identity maintenance and adaptation: a multilevel analysis of response to loss.” In B.M. Staw and R.M. Sutton (Eds.) Research in Organizational Behavior. Vol. 21:247-294 Greenwich, CT: JAI Press Abstract
Freeman, Steven F. 1998. Good decisions: reconciling human rationality, evolution, and ethics. In B. Keys and L.N. Dosier (Eds.) Academy of Management BEST PAPERS 1998. Madison, WI: Omnipress
Freeman, Steven F. 1997. Organizational loss. In B. Keys and L.N. Dosier (Eds.) Academy of Management BEST PAPERS 1997, (pp. 264-68). Madison, WI: Omnipress
Reynolds, Paul D. & Steven F. Freeman. 1987. The 1986 Pennsylvania new firms study. Washington, DC: Appalachian Regional Commission.
Other Publications
Freeman, Steven F. (2002) “Empresarialismo y Resiliencia” (Entrepreneurship and Resilience). Gestion (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Freeman, Steven F. 2000. Entendiendo Organizaciones in Kettlehorn, (ed.) Forjando el Futuro (Forging the future) p. 159-176. Alajuela, Costa Rica: Prensa INCAE
Freeman, Steven F. (1988) Notes to a friend who is planning to start a business Problems marketing, financing, and managing a new venture. Has been widely used in entrepreneurship classes around the country.
Dissertation (1998) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The problem of identity in organizational behavior and human decision processes. An academic exploration of why it took the American auto industry so long to respond to Japanese advances in design and production.
Summary Acknowledgements Title Page & Table of Contents
If you would like to see any publications, contact me.
Steven F. Freeman