Towards an Interpretation of Contemporary Philosophy,
Philosophy of Science, 13: 131-136
Varieties of Unification,
Philosophy of Science, 13: 287-300
Towards an Experimental Measure of Personality,
Psychological Review, 54: 41-51
Measurement of Consumer Interest ed. with CW Churchman, M Wax, U Penn Press, Phila
Mr. Rieser on Architecture,
Philosophical Review 56: 690-694
Ethics and Science,
Philosophy of Science, 14: 269-271
Psychologistics (mimeographed) Univ. of Penna. Faculty Research Fund, Phila•
An Experimental Definition of Personality,
Philosophy of Science 14: 304-332 •
Scientific Method,
American Peoples' Encyclopedia •
Definitional Models for Belief, Opinion, and Attitude,
International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research 2: 151-168
Discussions: Symposium on Contributions of Social Science to Physical Sciences,
Philosophy of Science, 15: 116-117
On a Science of Ethics,
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 9:663-672
The Missing Link - A Post-Mortem,
International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research 2:489-493
Aesthetics of 20th Century Architecture,
1948 Convention Seminars, American Institute of Architects p4-11
The Democratization of Philosophy,
Science and Society 13:327-339 •
An Educational Program in the Philosophy of Science,
Philosophy of Science 16: 154-157
• Methods of Inquiry. (Educational Publishers, St. Louis)
• Purposive Behavior and Cybernetics,
Social Forces, 29: 32-39
The Methodology of Survey Research
with Leon Pritzker, International Journal of Opinion and Attitude Research, 5: 313-334
Principles of Operations Research,
Proceedings-1st Seminar in Operations Research, Case Institute of Technology p.8-16
Methodology and Mathematical Statistics and Their Applications in Research,
Proceedings-2nd Annual Conference on Industrial Research, Kings Crown Press p. 78-93
Operations Research in Business and Industry,
Industrial Quality Control, 8 :41
Scientific Method and Social Science - East and West,
Scientific Monthly, 75:155-160 (also in Soviet Science, ed. R.C. Christman, AAAS 48-56)
Some New Statistical Techniques Applicable to Operations Research,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America 1:10-17
The Design of Research and Experiments: Some Introductory Remarks,
Ergonetics, 1:7-10
The Design of Social Research. (University of Chicago Press, Chicago)
Operations Research,
Cleveland Engineering, 46: 21-27
Production Scheduling: A Case Study,
Proceedings of the Conference on Operations Research in Marketing, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland p.31-39
Operations Research: A New Tool for Industrial Research,
Industrial Laboratories (Nov) p.64-67
Introduction to the Concept of the Designed Experiment,
in Research Operations in Industry, ed. DB Hertz (Kings Crown Press, New York) p.295-302
Production Scheduling,
Proceedings of Operations Research Conference by Society for Advancement of Management, New York, SAM, Sect. 4
Information for Overall Company Planning through Operations Research,
Seminar of Operations Research, Railway and Systems Procedures Association p.69-83
A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Estimating: A Methodologist's Approach,
The Journal of Industrial Engineering, 3:11-12
An Approximate Measure of Value,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America, 2:172-180
Production and Inventory Control in a Chemical Process, II,
Proceedings of the Conference on OR in Production and Inventory-Control, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland p.13-22
Statistics in Operations Research and Operations Research in Statistics,
in Operations Research for Management, eds. JF McCloskey, FN Trefethen (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore) p.117-133
Operations Research for Control
with J. E. Townsend, Chemical and Engineering News, 32:2-22
Operational Accounting and Operations Research,
The Journal of Accountancy, 99:53-59 •
Production Scheduling: An Operations Research, Case Study,
Advanced Management, 20:21-28
Operations Research in Business and Industry: A Report to Management,
Proceedings: The Institute on Operations Research for Business and Industry, UCLA p.36-42
Allocation of Sales Effort
and Summary,
Proceedings: 'What Is Operations Research Accomplishing in Industry?' Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland p.23-30 and 93-99
Production and Inventory Control in a Chemical Process,
Journal of the Operations Research Society of America, 3:319-338
Comments on Operations Research,
The Journal of Marketing, 20:47-48
A Survey of Operations Research in Industry,
Proceedings: Operations Research Conference, Society for Advancement of Management, New York p.52-61
Determining Optimum Allocation of Sales Effort,
ibid, p.74-81
Automatic Management: A Forecast and Its Educational Implications,
Management Science, 2:55-60
Automation of Production and Management,
American Petroleum Institute, Division of Refining, 35:192-196
Operations Research--Its Relationship to Data Processing,
Proceedings: Automatic Data Processin Conference, Harvard University, Boston p.161-175
A Survey of Applications of O.R.,
Case Studies in Operations Research-A Cross Section of Business and Industry, Case Institute of Technology, Cleveland p.9-17
Five Year Planning for an Integrated Operation
with Walter G. Glover, ibid 38-47
The Development of Operations Research as a Science,
Operations Research, 4:265-295
Operations Research in Organizational Planning: A Case Study
, Proceedings of the Seventh Annual National Conference, American Institute of Industrial Engineers, Columbus, Ohio
The Role of Recorded Information in the Decision-Making Process: Operational Research Approach,
Documentation in Action, eds. JH Shera, A Kent, JW Perry (Reinhold Publ, New York) p.253-256
Allocation of Sales Effort in the Lamp Division of the General Electric Company,
with Clark Waid and D. F. Clark, Operations Research, 4:629-647
OPSEARCH-What It Is-How It Is Conducted-What It Will Do,
Chemical Engineering Progress, 53:41-71
Role de la Statistique dans la Researche Operationnelle et de la Researche Operationnelledans la Statistique,
Introduction a la Researche Operationelle (trans. no. 25) Dunod, Paris p33-47
The Fundamentals of Operations Research,
Proceedings: 1956 Annual Operations Research Conf, Society for Advancement of Management, New York p,1-11
Introduction to Operations Research, with C.W. Churchman and E.L. Arnoff (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
A Comparison of Operational Research in the U.S.A. and in Great Britain,
Operational Research Quarterly, 8:88-100
All Related Areas Probed in Search for Answers to Industry Problems,
New York Herald Tribune, Engineer's News Supplement (July), p 2
Operations Research and National Planning,
Operations Research, 5:457-468
The Basic Limitations of George S. Odiorne in Operations Research,
Journal of Industrial Engineering, 9:530-531
Report on a Study of Scientific Communication for the National Science Foundation,
in Information Systems in Documentation, eds. JH Shera, A Kent, JW Perry, Interscience, New York p.66-74
Applications of Operations Research to Improved Utilization of Motor Power,
with M.W. Sasieni, Proceedings, Railway Systems and Procedures Assoc: Improved Motor Power Utilization, Washington p.25-31
The Concept and Exercise of Control in O.R.,
Proceedings-1st Int'l Conf on Operational Research, Operations Research Society of America p.2
On Hitch's Dissent on Operations Research on Operations Research and National Planning,
Operations Research, 6:121-124
Proceedings of the Conference on Research and Development and Its Impact on the Economy, National Science Foundation, NSF-58-36, Washington p.69-74
Towards a Behavioral Theory of Communication,
Management Science 4:218-234
How Techniques of Mathematical Analysis Have Been Used to Determine Advertising Budgets and Strategy
Proceedings:4th Annual Conf, How Can Advertising Be Better Evaluated in Today's Economy, Advertising Research Foundation, New York p.19-23
An Operations Research Study of the Dissemination of Scientific Information,
with M Halbert, Int'l Conf on Scientific Information, National Academy of Science, National Research Council p.87-120
Historia del de Investigation Operative del Case Institute of Technology
with E.L. Arnoff, Boletin Ibero Americano de Cultura Tecnia, 2:25-41
A Report on Some Organizational Experiments
with D.F. Clark, Operations Research, 7:279-293
Games, Decisions, and Organizations,
General Systems, 4:145-150
Unsuccessful Case Studies and Why,
Operations Research, 8:259-262
An Addendum to General Heiman's Remarks,
Management Technology, 1:26-29
Systems, Organizations, and Interdisciplinary Research,
General Systems, 5:1-8
Some Methodological Aspects of Operations Research
Proceedings-2nd Int'l Conf on Operations Research, English Universities Press, London p.3-5
Progress in Operations Research. (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Systems, Organizations, and Interdisciplinary Research
, in Systems Research and Design, ed. DP Eckman (Wiley, New York) p.26-42
Operational Research and Engineering,
The Indian and Eastern Engineer p.97-99
Scientific Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decisions with collaboration of J.S. Minas and S.K. Gupta (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Some Unsolved Problems in Solving Problems,
Operational Research Quarterly, 13:1-11
A Definitional Note on Cooperation, Conflict, and Competition,
Erhvervsokonomisk Tidsskrift, 4:312-315
The Dissemination and Use of Recorded Scientific Information
with M. W. Martin, Management Science, 9:322-336
A Manager's Guide to Operations Research with B.H.P. Rivett (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
The Definition and Measurement of Cooperation, Conflict, Exploitation, and Competition,
Proceedings: U.S. Army Operations Research Symposium, Part 1, Army Research Office, Durham, NC
Toward Quantitative Evaluation of Urban Services,
in Public Expenditure Decisions in the Urban Community, ed. HG Shaller (Resources for the Future, Washington) p.91-117
•Co-authored with C. West Churchman
General Systems Theory and Systems Research: Contrasting Conceptions of Systems. Science,
General Systems, 9:117-121
Beyond Optimization,
Opsearch, 1:5-11
Some Observations on Marketing and Operations Research in the United States,
Proceedings- 3rd Int'l Conf on Operations Research, English Universities Press, London p.171-178
Individual and Collective Value Judgments,
with J S. Minas, in Human Judgments and Optimality, eds. MW Shelly and GL Bryan (Wiley, New York) p.351-359
Conflict, Cooperation, Competition, and Cupid,
in Essays on Econometrics and Planning, ed. CR Rao (Pergamon, Oxford) p.7-18
Planning, Operations Research, and Metropolitan Systems
with Britton Harris, Proceedings of 1964 Annual Conference, American Institute of Planners, Washington p.92-96
Informational Requirements of Industrial Research and Development Management,
with S.S. Sengupta, in Information System Sciences, ed. J Spiegel, D Walker (Sparton Books, Washington) p.133-139
Systems Theory from an Operations Research Point of View,
with S.S. Sengupta, General Systems, 10:43-48, (also IEEE Transactions on Systems Science and Cybernetics, 1:43-48)
The Use of Simulation as a Pedagogical Device
with JC Porter, MW Sasieni and Eli Marks, Management Science, 12 b170-179
The Meaning of Strategic Planning,
The McKinsey Quarterly (Summer 1966) p.48-61
Specialized versus Generalized Models in Research Budgeting,
in Research Program Effectiveness, ed. MC Youitzetal (Gordon and Breach, New York) p.169-185
Toward a Theory of the Dynamics of Conflict,
with R.L. Sisson, in Conflict Resolution and World Education, ed. Stuart Mudd (Junk, The Hague) p.125-142
Structural Conflicts within Organizations,
in Operational Research and the Social Sciences, ed. JR Lawrence (Tavistock Publications, London) p.422-438
Management Misinformation Systems,
Management Science, 14b: 147-156
Operational Research and National Science Policy,
in Discussion, Decision Making in National Science Policy, ed. A deReuck, M Goldsmith, et al (Ciba Foundation, London) p.84-98
Fundamentals of Operations Research with M.W. Sasieni (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Toward an Idealized University,
Management Science, 15b: 121-131
Operations Research,
International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences, MacMillan and The Free Press, New York 2: 290-294
The Role of Research in Underdeveloped Countries
Operations Research, 16: 717-726
Prediction, Explanation, and Control of Conflict,
with J. R. Emshoff, Peace Research Society, Papers XII, Cambridge Conference, p.109-115
Strategies for Operations Research in Urban Metropolitan Planning,
with Britton Harris, Proceedings-4th Int'l Conf on Operational Research, eds. DB Hertz and J Melese (Wiley-Interscience, New York) p.471-480
Toward Strategic Planning of Education,
Efficiency of Resource Allocation in Education, OECD, Paris, p.339-380
In Conclusion: Some Beginnings,
(with Stafford Beer) in Progress in Operations Research: Relations between Operations Research and the Computer, III, ed. JS Aronofsky (Wiley, New York) p.423-449
Institutional Functions and Societal Needs,
Perspectives in Planning, ed. Erich Jantsch, OECD, Paris p.495-500
A Concept of Corporate Planning, (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
The Evolution of Management Systems,
Canadian Operational Research Society Journal, 8: 1-13
Explanatory Models of Interactive Choice Behavior,
(with J.R. Emshoff) Conflict Resolution, 14: 77-89
On the Ambiguity of the Researcher and the Researched,
The Place of Research in Social Choice, Tavistock Institute, London 15-32
Beering and Branching through Corporate Planning,
Proceedings-5th Int'l Conf of Operational Research, ed. John Lawrence, Tavistock Publications, London 21-30
Some Ideas on Education in the Management Sciences,
Management Science, 17: b2-4
A Black Ghetto's Research on a University,
Operations Research, 18: 761-771
The Management of Change and How It Changes Management. (University of Lancaster, UK)
Frontiers of Management Science,
The Bulletin of the Institute of Management Sciences, 1:19-24
Toward a System of Systems Concepts,
Management Science 17:661-671
Possible and Likely Futures of Urban Transportation,
(with Francisco Sagasti) Socio-Economic Planning Science 5:413-428
Planning for Social Systems,
The Prison Journal, 51:33-42
Operational Research and Developing Countries: The Control of Organized Systems and of the Decisions that Control Them,
Interregional Seminar on the Use of Modern Management Techniques in the Public Administration of Developing Countries, United Nations, New York 2(3)58-85
A Revolution in Organizational Concepts,
Naval War College Review 24:4-14
On Purposeful Systems with F.E. Emery (Aldine-Atherton, Chicago)
On Ideal Seeking Systems,
(with F.E. Emery), General Systems XVII:17-24
A Systems Approach to the Problems of Solid Waste and Litter,
(with John R. Hall, Jr.) Journal of Environmental Systems, 2:351-364
Science in the Systems Age: Beyond IE, OR, and MS,
Operations Research, 21(3)
Educational Systems,
in Operational Research '72, M Ross,ed. (North-Holland Publishing Co. American Elsevier, London) p.587-598
Computer Obstructed Education,
Data Base, 5:108-114
Planning In The Systems Age,
Sankhya: The Indian Journal of Statistics, Series B. Vol. 35, Part 2
Beyond Problem Solving
, Decision Sciences 5:x-xv
Operations Research,
Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th Edition, 13:594-602
Redesigning the Future. (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Systems and Management Annual (ed. and contributor) Petrocelli Books, New York
The Social Responsibility of Operational Research,
Operational Research Quarterly (UK) 25:361-371
The Systems Revolution,
The Journal of the Society for Long Range Planning (UK) 7(6):2-20
Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch, Inc 1963-68
with J.R. Emshoff, Sloan Management Review (Winter)1-15
A Reply to Keith Chesterton, Robert Goodsman, Jonathan Rosenhead and Colin Thunhurst
Operational Research Q, 26:96-99
Humanizing Management and the Management Sciences,
Proceedings-XX Int'l Meeting, The Institute of Management Sciences, E. Shlifer (ed.) Jerusalem Academic Press p.1-8
The Second Industrial Revolution, Alban Institute Publication, Washington, DC
Advertising Research at Anheuser-Busch, Inc 1968-74,
Sloan Management Review (Spring) 16(3) 1-16 (with JR Emshoff)
What is the Possibility of Convergence, Divergence, or Synthesis of Methodology between the Social Sciences and the Natural Sciences?
in The Centrality of Science and Absolute Values (The Int'l Cultural Foundation, New York) p.65-70
Does Quality of Life Have to be Quantified?
, General Systems, XX:213-219; also in Operational Research Quarterly 27:289-304
Designing a National Scientific and Technological Communications System: The SCATT Report with T Cowan, P Davis, M Elton, JC Emery, M Meditz, W Sachs, U Penn Press
The Aging of a Young Profession: Operations Research,
Presidential Lectures 1975-76, University of Pennsylvania, p.311-318
The Corporate Rain Dance,
The Wharton Magazine (Winter '77) 36-41
Optimization + Objectivity = Opt Out,
European Journal of Operational Research, 1:1-7
National Development Planning Revisited,
Operations Research 25:207-218
SCATT, Libraries, Relevance and Redundancy,
with W.M. Sachs and M.L. Meditz, International Forum on Information and Documentation, 2(July):8-13
Towards Flexible Organizations: A Multidimensional Design,
Omega International Journal of Management Science, 5(6)
A Fishy Story,
The Wharton Magazine (Winter '78) 17
A Story of Ups and Downs,
The Wharton Magazine (Spring '78) 18
On Growth and Development of Social Systems
The Zucker Lectures 1975-77, McMaster Univ. Faculty of Business (Hamilton, Ontario) 49-71
Looking Forward and Backward at Education in the Management Sciences
TIMS/ORSA Bulletin, 5:10-11 (May 13)
Ackoff's Fables: It Hurts to Bend a Little
, The Wharton Magazine (Summer 1978) Vol.2, 66
The Art of Problem Solving. (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
The Aesthetics of Management,
in Communication and Control in Society, ed Krippendorff, Gordon and Breach (Science Publishers, London) p.239-247
The Future of Operational Research is Past,
Journal of Operational Research Society, 30:93-104
Resurrecting the Future of Operational Research,
Journal of Operational Research Society, 30:189-199
Feedback, Ackoff's Fables,
Omega International Journal of Management Science, 7(3) 179 -182
From Information to Control,
in The Human Side of Information Processing, ed. Niels Bjorn-Andersen (North-Holland Publishing Co., New York) p.215-225
Creating the Corporate Future. (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
The Art and Science of Mess Management,
Interfaces, II (Feb) p.20-26
Creativity in Problem Solving and Planning: A Review,
(with Elsa Vergara) European Journal of Operational Research, 7:1-13
On Why Managers Mismanage
in Managing The Unmanageable: Decision Making in Changing Institutional Contexts, Proceedings of the Lustrun Congress, Graduate School of Management, Delft, The Netherlands (April 22)
On the Use of Models in Corporate Planning,
Strategic Management Journal, 2:353-359
On Purposeful-Systems with F. E. Emery, republished by Intersystems Publications, Seaside, CA
Stress, Alcoholism, and Personality
, with T.A. Williams and George Calhoun, Human Relations 35(6)491-510
On the Hard Headedness and Soft Heartedness of Michael C. Jackson
Journal of Applied Systems Analysis 9:31-33
Book Review: Groping in the Dark: The First Decade of Global Modeling (Eds. D Meadows, J Richardson, G Bruckmann), European Journal of Operational Research 11:295-297
Beyond Prediction and Preparation,
Journal of Management Studies 20:1
An Interactive View of Rationality
Journal of the Operational Research Society 34(8)719-722
A Guide to Controlling Your Corporation's Future, with X. Finnel and J. Gharajedaghi (John Wiley & Sons, New York)
Steven F. Freeman